From Yunnan’s Rich Soils

to Coffee Drinkers Worldwide

Our Philosophy

At LITTLE FELLOW COFFEE we are humble rebels.

Humble as we’re constantly learning, developing, and reiterating as part of a fierce and evolving coffee-world. Humble as we are sourcing directly from carefully selected farmers honouring their decades spent perfecting their skills and product. This enables us to not only get access to top quality coffee in the region, but also to learn about the farmers' stories, challenges, and the emerging opportunities and synergies we have together. Partnerships are a part of our DNA, and we care deeply about creating meaningful and long-lasting connections with the people we work with.

Rebels as we’re here to make our mark and play a part in the dynamic (at times crazy) coffee-world. Our core belief is that our teams’ diversity and thinking, and our drive to challenge and nurture conversations, ideas, and feelings evolving from savouring a freshly brewed cup of delicious coffee, and the conversations you have meanwhile, will play a role in broadening horizons and build bridges.

Ultimately, we are passionately working towards Yunnan coffee reaching more coffee cups across China and globally, because in our humble opinion, the flavours are just simply too great for others not to explore. 

Frequently asked...

Could you tell me more about Yunnan?

Yunnan is a province located in the South-West part of China, boardering up to Myanmar in the West, and Laos and Vietnam in the South. Home to more than 45 million people, Yunnan is known for it's pleasant climate ideal for a diverse agricultural explorations, it's rich history of ethnic minorities, as well as its wonderfully flavourful cuisine.

Which species are grown in the region?

Arabica is the primary species cultivated in Yunnan accounting for about 98% of the total coffee production. Robusta is also grown but on a much smaller scale. The varieties are many, however among Arabica, we mostly find Catimore, Typica, and Bourbon. Gesha (also known as Geisha) is also on the rise in the region.

What makes Yunnan an ideal location for growing coffee?

With its subtropical climate and scattered high altitudes, specific regions of Yunnan are ideal for growing high-quality coffee. Some of these areas are (but not limited to) Baoshan, Puer, Menglian, and Dehong.

Have more questions?

Contact us and let's talk.

Our design philosophy is guided by form and functionality.

Your home should be filled with furniture that is both beautiful and useful. We combine our expert craftsmanship with a keen eye for design to make sure that your home's décor surpasses expectations.


Years of experience


Projects from idea to completion


Industry awards won

Here's what our customers say

”With only a handful of ideas from me, the team designed and produced the most spectacular kitchen, one that I know the whole family will love for years to come.”

- Clarice Turner

I have worked with the team on a number of client installations. They always know the exact furniture or fittings to create to ensure every space is special.

- Brian Moten

”Watching the team at work is mesmerizing. Their knowledge of joinery is second to none, and I feel privileged to have their unique furniture in my own home.”

- Joyce Gould

A taste of Yunnan

Put your coffee dreams in our hands

Request a sample and discover more about our wide selection of fresh Yunnan coffee
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